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Student Handbook

Sublime Academy of Beauty our mission is to empower and inspire our students to excel in the beauty industry through comprehensive curriculum and practical experiences. We strive to provide an education that encourages our students to find their passion for the industry and work towards successful program completion, licensure and career development.

Owners/Admin: Aryn Oaks, Deven Oaks & Kelle Trogstad
Instructors: Jazmin Burrola, Tiffany Crozier, Kira Gardner, Daeci Oaks, Lisa Reynolds

Student Hours for Sublime Academy are Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:30pm, with a 1 hour lunch break. Student attendance will be scheduled for 40 hours per week unless a modified schedule is approved by administrators, after they check for feasibility with instructors. Modifications will be approved sparingly on a case-by-case basis.

Sublime Academy does not discriminate against persons on the basis of gender, race, age, color, ethnic origin, religion or socioeconomic status. The licensing requirements for courses offered at the school may restrict some applicants. Questions regarding licensing requirements and the physical demands of the industry may be answered by campus administrators.

Sublime Academy does not provide housing for students. However, if a student is in need of housing we can direct students to the appropriate agencies. We are also not participants in Title IV funding at this time.

All students will participate in an orientation training on the first day of their program. Class sizes are limited so early enrollment is encouraged. Student hours will not be sent to the state regulatory agency until all graduation requirements have been met and the comprehensive final written and practical exams have been passed.

Sublime Academy of Beauty is a new institution. We will be tracking our graduation rate, placement rate, and licensing as we go through our first year. We will update statistics here as soon as the information has been collected and analyzed for our first year.

For our first year as an institution: 11/29/23 - 11/30/24

Graduation Rate:  80%      Pass on Both Assessments:  80%       Placement:
Nail Tech
Graduation Rate:  91%       Pass on Both Assessments:  71.4%     Placement:
Not Tested:  4.6%                   Pass on One Assessment:  24%
Graduation Rate:  100%    Pass on Both Assessments:  87.5%     Placement:

General Facilities
Sublime Academy of Beauty facilities include:
-Over 5,400 square feet of floor space
-Locking office space for admin and records
-3 classrooms
-Reception/waiting area
-Student salon for practical instruction with 7 cosmetology stations, 3 wash stations, 8 nail tables, 6 esthetics tables and 3 pedicure chairs.
-Student breakroom
-Supply room

Admission Requirements/Process
Admission to Sublime Academy of Beauty can only happen if the individual meets one of the following:
-Has obtained a high school diploma. If the diploma is from another country the individual is responsible for having it translated by a certified translation service. The individual is responsible for all costs incurred in the process.
-Has passed and received their GED.
-Has taken the CASA exam, available at Ashley Valley Education Center, and can show competencies at a 10th grade level.
-Student is currently enrolled in high school and has verification from their school official proving that it will not interfere with their high school graduation. (Spaces are very limited for this option) Call the school to verify age and space requirements.

If an individual meets one of these requirements, and the state requirements, they may proceed with the application process. The first step is to obtain and complete an application form. You can access the form by email request at, or downloading from the website. Once the form is filled out, it can be brought to the school with the $50 application fee. If you are planning to pay by debit/credit card there will be an additional 3% charged for a processing fee. The application fee is non-refundable and is not included in the enrollment tuition/fees.
What do you need to include with your application?
-Letter of intent where you thoughtfully answer why you want to enter the beauty industry, what your career goal is, what your strengths are, what your weaknesses are and steps you can take to deal with those weaknesses.
-Verification Documents
Copy of GED, DIploma, CASA testing, Ability-to-Benefit Letter
Copy of transcripts
Copy of driver’s license
Once the application and required documentation has been received, the administration at Sublime Academy of Beauty will review it and notify the applicant if they will be accepted into the program. At that time you will be contacted to schedule an enrollment interview.

Attendance Policy
Sublime Academy records attendance in clocked hours and gives appropriate attendance credit for all hours attended. Students are expected to be working on theory or practical skills whenever they are clocked in. Students are required to clock in/out at the following times:
1- The beginning of the day
2- The beginning of the mandatory one hour lunch break
3- The end of the mandatory one hour lunch break
4- The end of the school day
Students must clock out if they leave the building. Individuals must clock in/out for themselves. Students are not allowed to clock in/out for other students.
Full-time students are scheduled to attend Monday through Friday, from 8:30 AM until 5:30 PM. All courses require continuous attendance. During the contract period, applicants must maintain an 85% attendance average each month. Students are not allowed to attend in excess of 40 hours per week. The maximum allowed time for the regular programs is 115% of the contract time. If the applicant must attend additional program hours beyond his/her maximum scheduled program length due to attendance, or to complete academic requirements, students will be required to pay additional tuition for hours remaining after the contract ending date at a rate of $10 per hour. The amount will be due the first business day, after the contract end date, and will be based on a 40 hour week. If the student is absent and does not attend 40 hours per week, no refund will be issued for the difference.
Students must notify administration of absences at least 48 hours in advance of the absence time. If a student is ill and is unable to give 48 hours prior notice, they are expected to call in by the class start time (8:30 AM). If a student has appointments scheduled and is absent with no call in they will be charged $10 for every appointment that has to be rescheduled. Make up hours are not available. Any time missed will count against your attendance percentage.

Leave of Absence Policy
A Leave of Absence (LOA) is a temporary interruption in a student’s program of study. LOA refers to the specific time period during an ongoing program when a student is not in academic attendance. Students must request a Leave of Absence in advance stating the reason for the leave for approval by the school administration. If approved, the official LOA will extend the contract period by the same number of days designated in the LOA document. If the student returns early the LOA document will be amended to reflect the actual number of days the student was gone. No re-entry fee will be charged if the student returns to class on or before the first class day scheduled after the LOA return date. The LOA and any additional approved leaves may not exceed a total of 180 days in a twelve month period. All approved leaves will be scheduled to begin on the first class day after the student’s last physical day of attendance.
Students, parent/guardian, or sponsor will remain responsible for meeting financial obligations during the LOA.

Calendar of Holidays
-Labor Day: September 2
-Thanksgiving: November 27-29
-Christmas/New Years: December 25-January 1 (business days)
-Memorial Day 2025: May 23 & 26
-July 4
-Labor Day 2025: September 1
-Thanksgiving 2025: November 26-28
-Winter Break 2025: December 25-January 1
Unforeseen circumstances could result in a day off at the school’s discretion. Students will be notified before the start time in situations such as weather/snow. These days will be added to the end of the contract dates.

Dress Code
There is an apparel code that is required for this program. It is the responsibility of the student to provide clothing that will fit the required code. All students are required to wear the approved apron, provided by Sublime Academy. We are not responsible for lost or stolen personal items. All personal items have to be kept in the student lounge area at all times. The safest option would be to leave all personal belongings in the student’s personal vehicle. Coats are not permitted on the salon floor. Hooks will be provided in the student lounge.
All clothing must be solid in color. No logos or patterns
Tops, pants, skirts should be industry appropriate. Keep in mind if you wear a skirt that you may be doing pedicures on a low chair.
Clothing needs to be in good condition, clean, pressed, and fit properly.
No cleavage, midriff, underarms or backsides are to be exposed. Undergarments must be worn, but not visible.
Skirts must be at least fingertip length.
Jeans may be worn with no distressing larger than 2” x 2”.
No shorts, athletic wear, joggers, sweats, biker shorts, or leggings are permitted.
Appropriate footwear should be worn at all times. Crocs, slides, and flip flops are not appropriate footwear.
Black smocks or aprons must be worn on the salon floor at all times!
You must appear clean and ready for the day. Nails and hair should be clean, neat and in a finished style. You can not do your hair, make-up or nails while at school. You must be ready when you arrive.
No baseball hats or visors
Compliance with the published dress code is required at all times. If you are not in compliance you will be sent home. Students are preparing for a career in the beauty and image industry. The dress code is subject to change at the discretion of the school administration at any time. Variations may be granted for special occasions by school administrators.

Drug Abuse Prevention
Sublime Academy of Beauty fully supports the prevention of drug abuse. A list of agencies and phone numbers is maintained in the administrative office and is provided in the student lounge. The use of drugs and/or alcohol on campus is prohibited. If a student attends and is found to be under the influence this can be grounds for immediate dismissal. Students are also not allowed to smoke, vape, or use smokeless tobacco on campus, or within 25 feet of the building.

The US Department of Labor and Occupational Safety, OSHA, requires the school to advise its students of the chemicals used in cosmetology and related training. Students will learn about the Material Safety Data Sheets, MSDS, for chemicals used. An MSDS binder will be available under the front reception desk.

Code of Conduct
Sublime Academy of Beauty sets forth specific codes of conduct for the purpose of creating a positive learning environment and to promote work ethic and future success for our students in the beauty industry. The state board requires all students follow sanitation rules and practices at all times. All students are to practice courtesy, professionalism, and appropriate behavior at all times when dealing with staff, other students, and visitors.
Students at Sublime Academy are expected to have greater than 85% attendance. Students are expected to arrive at the school, ready to start, at 8:30 AM. Tardiness not only affects the individual student it sets everyone back and creates more work for the instructors. If a student is deemed to be habitually tardy, 5 or more times tardy, they will be given a warning. Once warned they will be fined $10.00 for every day they are late from that point on.The student will be responsible for obtaining missed information and is to enter the classroom quietly without disturbing the other students. Students may not leave the classroom during instruction without permission from the instructor. A student leaving without permission may be asked to clock out and go home for the remainder of the day. Students are expected to attend daily and be involved in curriculum related activities at all times when they are clocked in. If you are leaving the building you must be clocked out! Make every hour count.
If there is a planned absence, it needs to be approved through administration. If the absence is unplanned the student needs to call in BEFORE 8:30 AM on the day of the absence. If you do not notify administration of an absence in advance, and you have scheduled appointments, you will be assessed a $10 for every appointment that has to be rescheduled. If a student fails to call in on an absence it is considered a no call/no show and they will be assessed a $50 fine for that day. All fines will need to be paid in the first five business days of the following month or the student will be unable to continue on with the program until paid.
Be professional in behavior. This means being kind, courteous, and treating others with respect. Those creating drama will be addressed appropriately. Students are to address their own grievances, not parents, spouses, or other family members. If there is a conflict or grievance, file a grievance form. The QR code/grievance form can be found in the classrooms and student lounge. Administration will meet and address issues within 5 business days. Students will be notified of actions taken. Keep in mind that if we are unaware of issues we can’t address them.
Students are not allowed on the salon floor if they are not providing a service, or working on program skills. The salon floor is where the public sees you building your skills to become a beauty professional. Treat everyday like an interview. Smocks or aprons are to be worn at all times on the salon floor and students are not allowed to have phones, personal items, gum, food, or drink in the salon. Food should be left in the student break area. No food in the classrooms unless the instructor is incorporating it into an activity. Phones are to be put away unless the instructor has requested them out for a curriculum related activity. If phone use is continued after a warning a student will be written up and fined $20. After a warning, a second warning and fine, if the student continues phone use it may constitute dismissal.
Refrain from willful destruction of school property. Be aware that we have many cameras in the school. Anyone found to be vandalizing, causing destruction of school property, or theft will be dismissed and the proper charges will be filed. If there is something you need so badly that you are willing to entertain stealing it, please talk to an administrator.
Students are responsible to keep track of their practical records, dot sheets, and to keep client service records up to date. Services will not be counted if they are not signed off by instructors. Students will have access to their progress and that sheet will be updated at the end of each month. This will include payment, hours, attendance percentage, curriculum progress and practical progress. Any discrepancies must be addressed within the first five business days of the following month. After the fifth day, the record is permanent. Any fees assessed for code of conduct deviations will be billed at the end of the month and will need to be paid within the first five business days as well.
Students are not allowed to perform services outside of the school. As part of developing professional skills students should recommend and prescribe appropriate services and retail products. Students may not make any changes to the appointment schedule. All appointments will be entered by the reception desk and students must accept all appointments given to them.
Student parking is along the east and west sides of the parking lot. You can also park along main street if needed. All front parking is reserved for salon clients and visitors.

Disciplinary Policies
Any infraction of the Code of Conduct, General Policies or Enrollment Agreement could result in any of the following disciplinary actions:
Upon first offense, a verbal or written warning may be given depending on the severity of the infraction. Due to the short duration of the nail tech program this step does not apply for attendance for that specific program.
A student who does not correct issues they received a warning about will be placed on probation and fined $50. If the issue is not corrected during the probationary period he/she may be suspended for three days or dismissed permanently, at the discretion of administration, depending on severity.
A student will be put on an automatic on day suspension, with no warning, for any of the following infractions:
-Refusing a client
-Not calling in for an unplanned absence before school starts
-Leaving school without permission while being clocked in
-Inappropriate language
-Being unprofessional on the salon floor
Instructors will send the student to the administrator where the student will have the infraction noted on their discipline log that will be kept in their cumulative file.
*When a suspension day is given, the actual day will be determined by the administrator.

A student’s enrollment can be terminated by Sublime Academy of Beauty for failure to meet any of the institutions policies including insufficient progress, non-payment, failure to comply with policies and code of conduct (including refusal to follow direction of administration and instructors), harassment by student or student’s family, violations of state laws or regulations, disruptive behavior, dangerous behavior, willful destruction, theft, substance abuse, or any other illegal activity. In case of termination by Sublime Academy of Beauty, the student may receive a refund, according to the refund policy described in the enrollment agreement. If a student’s enrollment is terminated the student will need to follow the appropriate withdrawal process.
An appeal may be submitted by way of a clear, concise, written statement containing all pertinent data and facts. Students will be notified of a decision, in writing, within 30 days.

Transfer Students
Official transcripts from the previous institution(s) will be evaluated and compared to the curriculum offered at Sublime Academy to determine where the potential student will stand in curriculum and practicum. The student will be required to take the module assessments to determine if they have the knowledge required to move on through the curriculum offered by Sublime Academy. Transfer students must meet all regular entrance and registration requirements. If approved for enrollment, tuition will be charged at the hourly rate of $10.00 per hour for the course of study. In addition students will need to pay the application, enrollment, curriculum and kit replacement supply fees. The school does not recruit students already attending another school offering similar programs.

Re-Entry Students
Former students of Sublime Academy who wish to re-enter must request approval from school administration. The request will be reviewed and a decision made within 30 days of the request. Students will re-enter with the same $10.00 per hour rate that transfer students are required to pay. If the student has been exited from Sublime Academy for more than 30 days, the same assessment process required of transfer students will be put in place. Students who have exceeded the maximum time frame shall be terminated from the program and would be permitted to re-enroll in a program on the $10.00 per hour rate. Students who withdraw twice may not be considered for re-enrollment. Tuition payments will be paid on the first business day of the month for the full scheduled hours. If the student misses hours for absences, no refund will be made.

Programs and Curriculum

Cosmetology 1600 Hours 41 weeks
The primary purpose of the Cosmetology Course is to train students in the basic manipulative skills, safety judgments, proper work habits, and desirable attitudes necessary to pass the Utah State Board examination and for competency in entry-level jobs in the beauty industry.
Upon completion of the course requirements, the graduate will be able to:
-Project a positive attitude and a sense of personal integrity and self-confidence.
-Practice proper grooming and effective communication skills and visual pose.
-Understand employer-employee relationships and respect the need to deliver worthy service for value received.
-Perform the basic manipulative skills including hair styling, shaping, bleaching, tingint, chemical reformation, salp/hair conditioning, facials, manicures, pedicures and nail extensions.
-Perform the basic analytical skills to determine proper makeup, hairstyle and color application for the client’s best overall look.
-Apply the theory, technical information and related matters to assure sound judgements, decisions and procedures.

To ensure continued career success, the graduate will continue to learn new and current information related to techniques, trends, fashions, and methods for career development in cosmetology and related fields.

Hours per Subject Unit
4 Orientation: School rules and regulations, school tour, code of conduct, dress code,
course requirements and clinic floor procedure
46 Professional Development: Professionalism, resume development, interview
preparation, job search skills, a healthy body and mind, effective communication, human
relations, client consultations
90 Salon Ecology: Microbiology, infection control, first aid, product knowledge and safety
90 Anatomy and Physiology: Building blocks of the human body, basic body systems
40 Electricity: Principles of electricity, electricity in cosmetology
40 Chemistry: Matter, pH scale, chemistry of cosmetics
250 Salon Business: The beauty industry, job search, professional relationships, salon
ownership, salon retaining
100 Tricology: Hair theory, hair care, draping, shampooing, scalp massages, design
considerations, client consultations, design composition
250 Haircutting: Haircutting essentials and fundamentals, procedures for various haircuts
250 Hairstyling: Hairstyling theory, thermal styling, wet styling, wigs and hairpieces, hair
125 Chemical Texturizing: Perming, relaxing, curl reform
175 Hair Coloring: Color theory, identifying hair color, changing hair color
90 Nail and Skin Services: Nail theory, natural nail care, manicures, pedicures, artificial
nail care, study of the skin facials, hair removal, waxing
50 State Laws: State laws, rules and regulations
1600 TOTAL

The above hour requirements must be met by each student, in each category, in order for the earned hours to be accepted by the state licensing board for examination.

Cosmetology Program Practical Requirements
300 Sanitation: The act of preventing the growth of germs and bacteria or destroying them. Students must perform daily sanitation tasks on implements, equipment and facilities to prevent the spread of disease and bacteria.
250 Shampooing: Patron protection (draping), shampooing, scalp treatments, conditioning rinses, temporary color rinses, and hot oil treatments
200 Wet Hair Styling: Sets with rollers, comb-outs, braids, finger waves
200 Thermal Styling: Blow drying, curling iron, pin curls, arranging, dressing, hot combing,
hair pressing, thermal waving, crimping, etc.
400 Haircutting: All forms of sectioning and/or removing length or bulk from the hair using professional implements such as razor, scissors, clippers, or thinning shears
125 Chemical Reformation: All forms of chemically reforming the hair including permanent waving or chemically relaxing/curling hair
175 Hair Coloring: Semi-permanent color, tints, toners, frosts, bleaches, tipping,
highlighting, dimensional hair coloring, other forms of creative hair coloring and mixing
100 Manicuring: Plain and hot oil manicures, pedicures, lips, overlays, sculptured nails,
re-bases, wrapping, polishing
70 Facials: Skin analysis and care, plain facials, mask facials, facial manipulations,
exfoliation, makeup application, hair removal, brow arching, waxing, lash/brow tinting
100 Client Communications: Evaluated presentations of student’s ability to interact with
the client, build client retention, obtain referrals and upgrade tickets
75 Business Administration: Evaluation of business administration performance
including reception desk procedures, inventory, telephone technique, salon business
projects, salon field trip reports, etc.

1600 Total

It is the responsibility of the student to keep records of the applications performed which an instructor verifies. These records are kept in the student file and monitored by various regulatory agencies. In order for a student to graduate, all required practices must be rated as “Satisfactory” to be counted for course completion.

Nail Tech 300 Hours 8 weeks
The primary purpose of the Nail Technician Course is to train the student in the basic manipulative skills, safety judgments, proper work habits, and desirable attitudes necessary to pass the Utah State Board examination and for competency in entry-level positions as a nail tech.
Upon completion of the course requirements, the graduate will be able to:
-Project a positive attitude and a sense of personal integrity and self-confidence
-Practice proper grooming and effective communication skills and visual poise
-Understand employer-employee relationships and respect the need to deliver worthy service for value received
-Perform the basic manipulative skills required for manicuring, pedicuring, and various methods of nail extensions
-Apply the theory, technical information and related matter to assure sound judgments, decisions, and procedures
To ensure continued career success, the graduate will continue to learn new and current information related to techniques, trends, fashions, and methods of career development as a nail technician, manicurist or related position.

Hours per Subject Unit
9 Orientation: School rules and regulations, school tour, code of conduct, course
requirements and clinic floor procedure
9 Professional Development: Professionalism, resume development, interview
preparation, job search skills, a healthy body and mind, effective communications, human relations and client consultations
15 Safety and Sanitation in the Salon: Decontamination, sanitation procedures, MSDS,
hazmat, lab floor safety
9 Bacteriology and Infection Control: Bacterial infections, immunity, aids, hepatitis,
TB, viruses, mold and fungus
15 Anatomy and Physiology: Anatomy of hand, arm leg, cells, tissues, organs, bones,
muscles and nerves of the hand, arm, leg and foot
13 Client Consultation
15 Nail Products and Chemistry
20 The Nail
15 Massage Techniques
40 Manicuring and Electric Filing
15 Pedicuring
65 Nail Extensions: Acrylic nails, gel nails, nail tips, nail wraps
15 Aromatherapies
25 Nail Art
20 Salon Business and Retailing


The above hour requirements must be met by each student in each category in order for the earned hours to be accepted by the state licensing board for examination.
Nail Tech Required Practical Experiences
100 Sanitation: The act of preventing the growth of germs and bacteria or
destroying them. Students must perform daily sanitation tasks on implements, equipment and facilities to prevent the spread of disease and bacteria.
25 Manicuring: Plain manicures, hot oil manicures, electric manicures,
men’s manicure, hand and arm massage, polish application.
100 Advanced Nail Techniques: Nail tips, sculptured nails, acrylic overlays,
Wraps with silk, linen, paper wraps or overlays on tips, gel or other methods or artificial nail extensions or strengthening.
25 Pedicures: Pedicure procedure on men or women, foot massage,
toenail trimming, etc…
40 Client Communications: Evaluated presentations of student’s ability to
Interact with the client, build client retention, obtain referrals and upgrade
15 Business Administration: Evaluation of business administration
performance including reception desk procedures, inventory, telephone
technique, salon business projects, salon field trips, etc…
300 Total

Basic Esthetics 600 Hours 16 weeks
Description: This program includes theory and practical applications related to all aspects of facial care. This includes cleansing, masking, therapy, nutrition, hair removal, and lash extensions. Classes are presented by means of lecture, hands on demonstration, audio/video and professional guest presentations.

Upon completion of the course requirements, the graduate will be able to:
-Project a positive attitude and a sense of personal integrity and self-confidence
-Practice proper grooming and effective communication skills and visual poise
-Understand employer-employee relationships and respect the need to deliver worthy service for value received
-Perform the basic manipulative skills required for manicuring, pedicuring, and various methods of nail extensions
-Apply the theory, technical information and related matter to assure sound judgments, decisions, and procedures

Upon completion of the course, graduates will be prepared to pass the Utah State Board exams. This course prepares the student for employment in the cosmetology industry.
Hours per Subject Unit
9 Orientation: School rules and regulations, school tour, code of conduct, course
requirements, and clinic floor procedure
9 Professional Image: Qualifications and ethics of a professional esthetician
50 Bacteriology, Sterilization, Sanitation and Safety
150 Sciences: History, dermatology, physiology of the skin, chemistry, anatomy and biology
250 Facials: Including skin care treatments, application of cosmetics and various other skin procedures
20 Manicures and Pedicures
12 Eyelash Extensions
30 Non-permanent Hair Removal
40 Professional Development: professionalism, resume development, interview
preparation, job search skills, body and mind health, effective communication, human relations and client consultations
30 Business and State Law
600 Total

The above hour requirements must be met by each student in each category in order for the earned hours to be accepted by the state licensing board for examination.

Practical Experience for All Programs
Students must complete the established number of practical experiences for skill development. These may be completed on manikins, models or clients. More practice may be required for skill development.
Projects and assignments are evaluated and counted only when rated as satisfactory or better. Instructors will check student work and record the project/assignment on a student tracking sheet when it is deemed as satisfactory, or better, workmanship as established by the state licensing agency. Criteria for completion are explained to students when practical grades are given.

Calendar of Programs

Cosmetology 1600 Hours
January 6 - October 24, 2025
March 3 - December 19, 2025
August 25 - June 19, 2025

Nail Tech 300 Hours
September 9, 2024-November 1, 2024
October 21, 2024-December 13, 2024
December 2, 2024-January 24, 2025
January 6 - February 28, 2025
February 17 - April 11, 2025
March 31 - May 23, 2025
May 12 - July 8, 2025
June 23 - Aug 18, 2025
August 4 - Sept 26, 2025
September 15 - Nov 7, 2025
October 27 - Dec 23, 2025

Esthetics 600 Hours
September 16, 2024-January 3, 2025
January 6 - April 25, 2025
March 24 - July 16, 2025
June 9 - October 3, 2025
August 25 - December 18, 2025
November 10 - March 11, 2026
*Course offerings may vary based on class enrollment, staff availability and other considerations.

Financial Programs/Aide
Students have the option of paying, in full, at the beginning of their program. Or, we have an in house payment option that includes: 2 weeks before the program starts - 25% of tuition, registration fee, curriculum, kit & finance fee. On the first business day of every month after that there will be a payment due that is the amount indicated on the student contract. The full amount must be paid before hours will be reported to the state, or a student given an official transcript.
A returned check will mean that Sublime Academy of Beauty will no longer accept a personal check from that student. Payments will need to be made with cash, a cashier’s check, or by cc/debit. Any payment made with a cc/debit card will be assessed an additional fee of 3%.

Refund Policy
Policy applies to all terminations for any reason, by either party, including student decision, course or program cancellation, or school closure. Refund calculations are performed, and refunds made, in a timely manner. Monies are refunded within 45 days of official cancellation. Refund calculations are based on scheduled hours.

Minimum Tuition Adjustment Schedule
% of Enrollment % of Tuition Retained by/owed to Sublime Academy
(scheduled hours)

0.01-04.9% 20%
5-9.9% 30%
10-14.9% 40%
15-24.9% 45%
25-49.9% 70%
50% and Over 100%

Non-refundable items include fees, kits, curriculum and fines.

Withdrawal Policy
Students who withdraw from enrollment prior to course completion must complete the Application to Withdraw form and make sure that all financial debts to the school have been settled. Students who withdraw or terminate prior to course completion are charged a cancellation or administration fee of $100. Only upon completion of these requirements will a certified final transcript of hours be forwarded to the state board. The student will also be given a certified, final transcript at that time.

Unofficial Withdrawal
The school, through monitoring clock hour attendance every 30 days, determines “unofficial withdrawals”.

Official Cancelation
A student or legal guardian cancels the contract and demands his/her money back in writing, within three business days of signing the enrollment agreement regardless of whether the student has actually started training. All monies collected by the school are refunded except a non-refundable application fee. The official cancelation date will be determined by the postmark on the written notification or the date the notification was delivered to the school in person.
What happens if a student cancels their contract after three business days of signing, but prior to entering classes? In this case the student is entitled to a refund of all monies paid the school less the application fee, registration fee, curriculum fee and any supplies received by the student.
A student on a LOA that notifies the school that he/she will not be returning will be withdrawn on the earlier of the date they notify Sublime Academy they will not be returning, or the date the student was due to return from their approved LOA. In the case of a disabling illness or injury, death of a student’s immediate family member or other documented mitigating circumstances, a reasonable and fair refund settlement will be made.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Sublime Academy of Beauty follows an academic year for all programs that is 900 clock hours and 30 academic weeks, for purposes of satisfactory academic progress. SAP evaluations will be completed for programs as listed below:
Program Actual Hours/Weeks Erolled
Cosmetology 450 H/12 W 900 H/23 W 1250 H/32 W
Esthetics 300 H/8 W
Nail Tech 150 H/4 W
Evaluations will be done when the student reaches both the week and hour requirements.

Satisfactory Academic Progress will be cumulative and will be determined by three factors.
-Student attendance > 85%
-Student Practical Assessments >75%
-Student Written Assessments >75%

A monthly review will be done by administration on each student. If a student drops below the set standard the student will be informed and will need to meet with administration to discuss a plan for future success.

Students must meet the following requirements in the applicable course of study to qualify for graduation and be issued a certified final transcript of hours and a diploma from Sublime Academy of Beauty:
-Successful completion of all phases of study, clock hours, required assessments, practical projects, and clinical assignments for the course they are enrolled in
-Completion of the course of study as required by the State of Utah
-Pass the final written and practical exams for the applicable course
-Complete all required exit paperwork and attend an exit interview
-Make satisfactory arrangements for all debts owed to the institution
Upon completion of the course of study and all graduation requirements, a certificate for the applicable course of study will be awarded. After all graduation requirements have been met and the scheduled course has ended, the graduate will be eligible to pay for and schedule the required state licensing exam.

Licensing Information
Cosmetology Exam Information -

Grievance Policy
The institution will make every attempt to resolve any warranted student complaint. Complaint procedures will be gone over during new student orientation, thereby assuring that all students are aware of the steps to follow should they desire to register a complaint at any time. The institution will retain records of complaints/grievances in school records in order to determine the frequency and nature of complaints. Fill out the grievance form in the student lounge, or classrooms, to register a grievance.
If internal grievance procedures have been exhausted students may appeal to NACCAS or the Utah Department of Professional Licensing.

Employment Assistance
Sublime Academy does not guarantee employment upon completion of a program. However, students will be provided with information on local salons and employment services available through the Utah Department of Workforce Services. Local salons and positions we are aware of will be posted on a job board in the student breakroom.

Records Access Policy
In compliance with FERPA, each student will have access to their student records with a written request/consent signed by the student. Records requested by a third party will be sent only upon consent and signatures from the student unless required by law. Student access to records must be arranged with a member of administration and a staff member must be present while records are being reviewed. Cumulative student records will be maintained for a minimum of three years after the student’s graduation/termination date. Sublime does not publish “directory information” of our students. Student records will be provided to representatives of the accreditation agency to facilitate the accreditation process and information audits. Files may not be removed or reproduced without the permission of the owner of the school as all records contained therein are property of Sublime Academy of Beauty.

Students may be photographed/videoed in the school and those images may be used for advertising, or on the school website. If you do not want your image to be public please inform administration in writing.

I hereby certify that I have received a copy of this catalog prior to enrollment and have reviewed its contents, understand all policies contained herein and agree to comply with those policies.

Student Signature Date

Updated August 8, 2024


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